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    Fall Inspired Pieces

    Fall Inspired Pieces

    Hello, everyone! We hope you enjoyed last week’s blog post on achieving the Farm House Decor Style. Can you believe it’s already almost October? The leaves are changing and the temperature is dropping. It is amazing how this year has flown by! Before you know it, it will be Christmas! But first, let’s enjoy where we are. Fall is right around the corner and we thought it would be fun to cover some of our most treasured Fall Inspired Steel Wall Decor.
    When I think of Autumn, I think of days spent in the lodge. Our Lodge Decor is some of our best sellers. Who doesn’t enjoy kicking back by the fireplace and reminiscing about the good time spent with those you love?
    Antler Monogram Wall Décor
    Antler Monogram Wall Décor

    Our monogram steel wall decor is just the perfect gift to stir up some memories. There is nothing quite like a cool fall day, leaves falling outside the window, and the smell of pumpkin pie baking in the oven. This brings me back to Thanksgiving meals spent with the family. There is a lot to be thankful for! Our “Give Thanks” Wall art says it all. Autumn is the time to slow life down and reflect on all the year has given which you are thankful for.
    Give Thanks Wall Art
    Give Thanks Wall Art

    I am thankful for the simple things. One of those simple things in life is time spent camping in the great outdoors. Whether it’s camping by the waterfalls or driving the camper up to the mountains, time spent in nature is something we are very blessed with.
    Our “Camper Monogram” is a fan-favorite of our monogram wall decor pieces. What a lovely way to reflect on times cherished traveling. There isn’t anything quite like watching the scenery change around you. Our “Great Outdoors” line of monogram wreaths are beautifully crafted and detailed.
    Great Outdoors Bear Monogram
    Great Outdoors Bear Monogram

    This piece of steel art decor makes me think of a sky full of stars on an autumn night.
    I can almost hear the crickets chirping and the sound of the breeze swaying the branches of the trees.
    One of my favorite fall pastimes is sitting by the campfire with my family and telling ghost stories while roasting marshmallows. That is exactly what comes to mind when I see our “Campfire Monogram”. I can almost hear those flames and the crackle of the fire.

    Campfire Monogram

    Campfire Monogram
    Of course, it isn’t Fall without Halloween, right?
    We can’t leave out our incredible Halloween Decorations! The kids love to help hang these beautiful and creepy pieces all throughout the house. From witches, black cats, bats, jack-o-lanterns, and tombstones- there is a lot to choose from to bring the fall festivities to your home.

    Halloween Witch Riding Broom

    Halloween Witch Riding Broom
    Halloween Cat Wreath

    Halloween Cat Wreath

    What do you love about the Fall season? Did we miss anything? Let us know! We hope you found some amazing inspiration for your seasonal decorations! Have fun and be creative! As always, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop wherever we post new content. Don’t miss out on our new pieces!
    From our family to yours,
    Take Care