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    Third Time Lucky: Our Best Gardening 3 Packs

    Third Time Lucky: Our Best Gardening 3 Packs

    Decorating your garden is a massive aspect of homeownership for a lot of people. Often, your front lawn is the first thing you’ll see when you roll up to your home. If you have a prized garden in your backyard, there’s still nothing better than seeing the fruits of your labor, especially with a few decorative pieces thrown in for good measure. 

    At RealSteel, we love our garden pieces. It’s been an area of expertise we’ve been growing, with many more recent releases being focused on garden art as a central theme!

    Naturally, we’ve ended up with some fantastic works from our design team and have covered a whole range of different ideas, with plenty more to come!

    In this blog, we’re going to go over some of the favorite designs we’ve been working on so far. 

    Garden Art - Flamingo 3 Pack

     If you happen to live in some of the USA’s warmer parts, you are probably familiar with the iconic flamingo. 

    There’s something about flamingos that harkens back to that glitzy and glamorous time of the 1980s. Perhaps, it’s the pink plumage or how they stand on one leg as they go about their business. Regardless, flamingos are one of the most instantly recognizable birds globally and a welcome sight just about anywhere. Even more so now, given their endangered status. 

    This collection of steel garden art is perfect for any flamingo lover and makes the ideal gift for garden enthusiasts that want a bit of Florida-chic on their property. Each of these three pieces comes with a great stake as part of the design, making it easy to plant them in a spot of your choice!. 

    Garden Art - Gnomes Garden Pack

    Release the gnomes!

    At RealSteel, we love our garden gnomes and have multiple designs to keep any buyer happy. Gnomes add a bit of magical whimsy to whatever little space they’re added into. These worker gnomes are the perfect gift for the gardener in your life that loves making constant tweaks to their plot. 

    Each gnome comes with their stake as part of the design to make for easy mounting. In addition, our gnomes come with a fantastic powder coating, making them considerably more formidable than their ceramic cousins, and even come in a range of colors!

    Each gnome in this pack is bursting with detail and carries a different too for the job, whether that be a shovel, a net for catching butterflies, or a watering can make sure your garden plants get the hydration they need!

    Garden Art - Frogs 3 Pack

    Any garden worth its salt should be able to attract a tiny frog from time to time. Frogs are fabulous for every garden, making sure your plot doesn’t get overwhelmed by too many insects. Even better, they’re the kind of animals that won’t cause a fuss if you move your plants around, just so long as you’ve got a lovely little pond, then your frogs will always be happy with the arrangement!

    This fantastic three-pack is fantastic for frog lovers and garden owners! Featuring three different frogs, each sitting on a lily pad of their own and posing in a “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil” combination, this set is perfect for every garden!

    If you have any questions about the above designs, then don’t be afraid to get in touch with us. Just give us a call at (844) 915-3232.