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    Barking Mad Steel Artwork for Man’s Best Friend

    Barking Mad Steel Artwork for Man’s Best Friend

    Here at RealSteel, we’re pretty well known for our love of cats; we even have a whole website section dedicated to felines!

    But what about man’s best friend - the humble pooch? From loyal guard dogs to playful family pets to luxurious lap dogs, there’s a pup for every kind of person! So it feels only fitting that we take the time to show some love to other furry friends of the world! After all, it’s not like humans have domesticated them for thousands of years…

    In this blog entry, we’re going to cover some of our favorite dog-inspired designs! We’ll also briefly cover what makes these pieces unique, from material to color choices to personalization!

    Read on! 

    Labrador Home Number Monogram

    Labrador Home Number Monogram

    If someone says “Dog,” the first thing that usually comes to mind is an image of a Labrador. There’s no escape from it; labbies are pretty much the most iconic and “doggiest” dog that you can adopt. They’re also perfect family companions, having enough energy to keep up with the kids while also loving a good cuddle at the same time.

    This gorgeous home number monogram is the ultimate expression of love for the goofy labby in your life. So place this where you’d usually place your home number and let the whole street know that you have the best dog in the world!

    To help it match your Labrador, this piece comes in various sizes and colors. 

    Dog Paw Monogram

    Dog Paw Monogram

    Looking for a piece you can use above a dog bed or in a cozy nook for your beloved pooch? Well, look no further because this piece is downright perfect! This piece is ideal as a gift for your furry friend and looks fabulous as a way to name their favorite spot in the garden or their own doggy house.

    This piece is fully customizable and comes in various colors and sizes, making it perfect for pups of all sizes - from the enormous St. Bernard to the littlest Chihuahua! In addition, this steel artwork is fully customizable and features an awesome monogram that allows you to choose whatever name you’d like!

    German Shepard Monogram

    German Shepard Monogram

    If you’re looking for a breed that embodies loyalty and nobility, then you can’t do much better than the German Shepard.

    German Shepherds are among the most popular dog breeds globally, owing to their unswerving love and loyalty, boundless energy, and incredible intelligence! All of those traits make them the perfect house pet and the type of animal that can be appreciated at all stages of life.

    This piece captures the stately profile of the German Shepard perfectly and can be a perfect gift for the dog owner in your life.  This piece also comes in various sizes and colors, making it easy to customize to your specifications. Even better, this piece also includes a fully customizable nameplate, making it perfect for the special canine in your home!

    If you have any questions about the above designs, then don’t be afraid to get in touch with us. Just give us a call at (844) 915-3232.